Emoticon Symbols for E-mail:
:-) This is a smiley'. Lets people know you're joking.
;-) A wink. As in I'm really kidding.
:-> Devilish grin:-( Frowny face, I'm sad
8-) User wears glasses
(-: Left handed smiley
:-{)User has a mustache
[:-) User is wearing a walkman
%-) User's been staring at the screen too long

ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
ARQ: Automatic Repeat Request
BBS: Bulletin Board Software
BSD: Berkeley Software Distribution
CGI: Comman Gateway Interface
DES: Data Encryption Standard
DNS: Domain Name Service
UDP: User Datagram Protocol
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
FTP: File Transfer Protocol (now often seen in lower case as ftp)
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
GNU: GNU is Not Unix (recursive)
GUI: Graphical Users Interface
HTML: HyperText Markup Language
HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
IRC: Internet Relay Chat
ISP: Internet Service Provider
IO: Input Output As in file IO.
LAN: Local Area Network
NTP: Network Time Protocol
NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol
MDA: Mail Delivery Agent
MIME: Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions
MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MUD: Multiple User Dungeon an interactive multiuser game.
OSF: Open Software Foundation
PERL: Pratical Extraction & Reporting Language or Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol
PINE: Pine Is Not Elm
RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protoco
lRFC: Request For Comments
RTF: Rich Text Format
TCP/IP: Transmissions Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TIA: The Internet Adaptor
TTY: Tele-TYpeS
LIP: Serial Line Internet Protocol
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language
SWISH: Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
WAN: Wide Area Networks
WAIS: Wide Area Information Server WWW or 3W: World Wide Web
URL: Uniform Resource Locator

Bcc: : Blind Carbon Copy
Cc: : Carbon CopyElm: Electronic Mail for UNIX
Fcc: : File Carbon Copy
O.K.: abbreviation of oll korrect, alteration of all correct : all right..
(sp?): abbreviation of spelling? Often placed after a word the author is unsure of the spelling and dosen't want to run a spell checker. Example: I went to
thier (sp?) house for dinner
.P.S. : Post Script
PovRay: Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
Re: : Regarding. Often used in mail software.
Req: : Request.